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C4 - for road green areas and territories after construction works

Retail price: 4,53 €/kg
Wholesale price : 3,85€/kg
Amount: 45,30 €

Agrotechnical characteristics



Min. soil fertility

light and poor

Germination speed


Used for

road verges

Sowing rate g / m2



Lawn seed mixture which is appropriate for areas after construction works and also for road green areas and urban environment.

This seed mixture provides rapid establishment of a green, long lasting turf with good soil cover. Good performance in low input situations.


Sowing rate: 15 - 20 g / m2



  • Festuca rubra L. 45%
  • Lolium perenne L. 30%
  • Festuca ovina L. 10%
  • Poa palustris L. 5%
  • Lolium multiflorum Lam. 10%


Available in 10 kg bags.


Seeds are certified according to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 152 and the European Union directives.

Agronomist assistance